Saturday, January 27, 2007

Rogue on the Blocking Board

Rogue is in the final stretch, finally. That trip to Sleeve Island was a long one.

This should be an FO by Monday, Tuesday at the latest, depending on how long it takes to dry and how long it takes me to do the seaming and weaving in of the ends. Oh yeah, can't forget how distracted I get by casting something else on.


mary said...

Oh goody goody goody! Can't wait to see it! What are you working on in the meantime?

mehitabel said...

Looking good! I'm voting for steady progress to get you off sleeve island soon, and an FO to wear for the rest of the winter!

Annette said...

Your rogue rocks!!! I can't wait to see it finished. Glad you went to Madrona. Love the goodies you brought home. The bumper sticker and t-shirt are hilarious!

Madge said...

I'm going backwards reading your posts, but just had to say - congrats on blocking/finishing so quickly. Very impressive to me, the world's slowest finisher....