Thursday, January 18, 2007

It's just a hood....right?

Here's where I'm at with Rogue, I'm about half way up the hood. That's it, only half way up the hood. It's only a hood, but the cabling, it's some mind boggling cabling. A pure joy, but there's lots of it. I love seeing it come to life as I knit, but I swear this hood is taking longer than the body to knit, and I sitll have the sleeves left. I do believe I'll be taking a day or 3 before moving on to the sleeves, whend and if I ever finish this hood.


mary said...

It's looking superb! I'm so proud of the continued FO pics.

mehitabel said...

Looking good! The only problem is... if YOU think the cabling is mind-blowing, how the hell will I be able to do it??

Madge said...

Gorgeous cabling you're doing, missy. This is going to be the snazziest hood around when you're done with it!