Tuesday, December 19, 2006

I've been tagged

Mehitabel tagged me, so in the spirit of good fun and because I can't thank her personally for tagging me here goes:

6 weird things about ME.

1. I sigh everything ME and when they ask for my name at Starbucks or something I give them ME. Really it's my initials, so I use it quite a bit.

2. I lose words, stutter and have a lisp (I know hard to believe huh?) so everything I can't think of the word for or can't say becomes a "damn thing"

3. I love my sandwiches squished, especially cheese sandwiches.

4. I think in 2 languages, if I can't find a word in English but I know it in Tagalog or the other way around, I'll substitute words without thinking about it.

5. I love the rain! I think it comes from being raised in Seattle ( have I mentioned how great it is to be back in Seattle after living in So. Cal for 6 years? There's weather here, ok, so it's a little more than I expected but it's weather)

6. I still chat with my last ex boyfriend, he's actually the one who told me I'd marry my husband...he and I were still dating when he told me that. (he just chatted me while I was typing up this list, otherwise I would have had to find something else.

There are a ton of weird things about me, I just can't think of them when I need to.

Yule Knitting List:

socks for my cousins 22 mo boy - done
socks for his 4 yo sister - done
socks for my cousin - done
socks for his GF - done
socks for someone who reads this blog - 1/4th of leg done(2 socks magic loop)
Clapotis for someone who reads this blog - done
sweater (cardi) for DH, No longer on Yule Knit list, he's getting something else
socks for my brother - done
Fetching for my aunt - done
Fetching for my cousin (well mom's cousin, so I'm not sure what that makes our relations, if anyone knows, please feel free to enlighten me)
sweater (cardi) for one who may read this blog - So I missed the boat, I'm getting closer to the dock, I'll catch the next boat off and take a leisurely cruise down the Isle of Finishing.
Peace shawl for me to wear to the family holiday party - maybe next year (this really isn't going to happen this year but I'm holding out hope)

Now the reasons I'm still stuck on Sleeve Island, We lost power briefly Thursday night to the wicked windstorm that blew through here. I say briefly, but it was really for about 12 hours. Considering there are still people here that don't have power, 4 days later, 12 hours is nothing. Anyway, when we lost power, I was doing fine on the sleeves, then I got to an increase row, and knitting in the dark, which usually doesn't faze me one iota, got me off track. I picked up the socks and finished those, no increases to confuse me. Then I got side tracked to fetchings, My mom's cousin showed up needing to be thawed out and since I haven't seen her in 5 years, we caught up. The sad part is she lives in San Diego, just a few hours from where we were living in Azusa and haven't seen each other in that long a time, I had to move back to Seattle to see her. I know these are all just excuses, the fact is I got bored and something else jumped onto my needles, I think I have all of an inch left to go on the sleeves, so I should be finished with the sleeves tonight, unless that last pair of fetchigns jump on my needle first.


mehitabel said...

Yay for taggings! We must be pretty good friends cause none of your 6 things surprised me... I have a word of caution about Sleeve Island. Don't let them wander, or you (like me with the !@#%&## MOTW) will be making sleeves ad nauseam! And here's to weather. We actually got down to 36 degrees and have had Severe Weather Alerts about it with Frost Warnings!!! Yeah,yeah, the sky is falling, it's going to be cold.

Madge said...

Glad you've got power again after that windstorm...crazy weather you're having up there. Stay warm and happy holidays!

LOL squished cheese sandwiches. For some reason that just cracks me up.