Friday, December 08, 2006

and another sock is complete

but no pics, since the recipient has been known to read my blog and I'm not giving away the surprise.

Instead, let me send you here. This is how I've spent my day today instead of knitting on the sweater or the last pair of socks on my list. Many thanks to January One for such a wonderful site, I just wish she had waited until I had finished more of my holiday knitting.

Yule Knitting list

socks for my cousins 22 mo boy - done

socks for his 4 yo sister - done
socks for my cousin - done
socks for my brother - OTN
socks for his GF - done
socks for someone who reads this blog - 1/4th of leg done(2 socks magic loop)
sweater (cardi) for one who may read this blog - back done, fronts OTN 1/3rd done (both sides at the same time)
Clapotis for someone who reads this blog - done
sweater (cardi) for DH, No longer on Yule Knit list, he's getting something else
Peace shawl for me to wear to the family holiday party - maybe next year

I know I know, I really do need to do this, it helps me figure out how much I need to knit to get to my Peace Shawl....18 more knitting days.


mary said...

Nope, I'm not going to that site. Neither January One nor you can make me because I have. to. stay. focused. Congrats on finishing another pair of socks. I'm not going into that black hole of games.

mehitabel said...

I went to the game. Made it to the third level and quit in frustration. Hey, bee etc. Bah humbug. Even though I don't have any Xmas knitting to finish, I still would rather knit than pull out the rest of my hair!