I've done it again! Another knitter is born (well ok born again), but this time she's learning the joys of knitting on circular needles. This is my Mom, she tried for years and year to teach me how to knit, but since she taught me how to crochet first, I just never quite got along with straights. She's tried with circs before, but never could get the hang of it. I actually started her knitting socks on DPN's but that lasted 5 or 6 rounds. So here she is knitting her very first sock on a #2 Addi's, using a magic loop. She'll learn to knit socks one at a time.
Oh update on the Yule knitting list. Another pair of socks done, I'm not going to do the Peace shawl, there isn't enough time to finish it and have it blocked in time for the family dinner. We had a brief knitting interruption on sleeve island, it got real windy and the power was knocked out for about 12 hours. Yes at this point I know it's an excuse but the end result is I'm still on sleeve island with a pair of sleeves about half done. The sweater will be done in time. Oh I've also added a pair of fetchings to the list, it's not a make or break item, but it will add variety to these sleeves.
Good for you, spreading the knittin' love around! And good for your mom, magic looping and making socks!
Your mom is so cute! Get down with the magic loop and sock, Mom! Fetchings will be no sweat for you... I predict half a day.
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