Monday, March 20, 2006

My wonderful DH found batteries :)

DH strikes again, he found my batteries, so I can actually post pictures of the Moebius Cat Bed from A Second Treasury of Magical Knitting by Cat Bordhi I added green stripes, and left the ends dangling before felting to give the girls something to play with.

My photographic kitty, she's not a bit shy, is Thelma. Her litter mate Louise is a skitty kitty and she won't stand still long enough for me to take a picture of.

Here's Thelma waiting patiently for me to finish taking the picture and waiting for the okay to test out her new bed.

I think she likes it.

definite approval...

Nap time.

I think I'm going to have to make a 2nd one. Poor Louise waited for hours before Thelma would let her anywhere near it. Thelma finally walked away, heard Louise heading for the bed, and couched. Then Thelma launched herself at Louise. Finally, just a little while ago, I found Louise in the bed, but Thelma was right there waiting to get it back.


mary said...

Very cool! Congrats on another FO! Does that mean you get to start 3 more new ones?

mehitabel said...

That Thelma--she does boss her sister around, doesn't she? The bed looks great, just perfect for a nice snuggle-spot on a cool rainy night!